Helen Leslie Illustrator

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Getting yourself out there

Rosie Parsons Photography got in touch with me recently to offer an Ambassador shoot. It was exciting and flattering to get Rosie’s email, but definitely one that I had to sit on for a couple of days before replying! I knew it was perhaps a bit silly but I was aware that having professional photos taken by Rosie was quite a big thing for me, and an acknowledgment of ‘this is me, this is what I do - hey here I am!’. This is something that I struggle with a bit - wanting to get myself out there, get noticed, be known for what I do, while also wanting to hide away and just draw nice pictures at home!

I was intrigued by my reaction, well aware that I was keen to do the shoot but a strong dose of imposter syndrome crept in - ‘Really, why me? Am I really someone worth taking these photos of? Not sure I’ve really earned this?’ - all those sorts of feelings. Which, when I type them, sound terrible! I’d never say those things to a friend, so why do I say them to myself?!

I have always been someone who holds great store in professional photography - good quality photography is incredibly important and a good photographer is worth their weight in gold. As an independent illustrator it’s really hard to get good photos of myself (and also feels ridiculous, asking someone ‘hey take a photo of me’), and not to mention the cost factor - good photography does not come cheap! And nor should it - a really good photographer has years of skill, knowledge and experience under their belt. Having great photos in your own photo library is an amazing asset that will pay dividends time and time again.

As an individual, having great photos of yourself that reflect your brand (when you ARE your brand this is vital) is important because potential clients and customers need to see who you are, they get a feeling and impression from those photos - ‘yes I like this person, I like their style, I feel like we’d get on, this person is professional, friendly’…. etc. The list goes on. But most importantly the photos will have IMPACT! You need your photos to be noticeable and memorable, and when they really represent YOU, that means YOU are noticeable and memorable (for all the right reasons).

These are all things that I am well aware that I need and want for my own brand. Yet it was still scary doing something about that and making myself say ‘YES!’ to Rosie’s invitation!

Of course, once I did, Rosie made the process easy and fun. Even while I was having nervous thoughts and worries, I was aware I didn’t really need to be having those thoughts! Rosie gives regular, step-by-step onboarding information via email which builds momentum and reassurance leading up to shoot day.

I had doubts about outfits - ‘Good grief I’ve got nothing to wear! I’ve been stuck at home in my comfies since before the lockdowns!’ - actually, I enjoy bright bold colours and patterns and love a good statement necklace. No matter that I tend to wear jeans constantly - that’s my thing, I wouldn’t feel ‘me’ if I suddenly did a shoot in dresses (but I’d like to think that day may come!). I had doubts about things like my skin (it’s hormonal, shall we say), even my nails (unpampered) - but again, a slick of clear polish and my nails looked healthy and shiny. Fabulous makeup by Claire Drake Make Up made me feel pampered and glam - without feeling like I didn’t look like myself. I’ve simply not done a lot of investment in myself for quite a long while - a common refrain for busy mums who are more often found on the school run than anywhere else!

Shoot day saw me lugging armfuls of tops and a few shoes (my sparkliest ones) plus my fave statement necklaces to Rosie’s. Welcomed by Rosie and Claire, everything was calm, comfortable and surprisingly relaxing! Upon arrival I nearly said hello to Idris Elba and Ryan Reynolds, luckily I quickly realised they are lifesize cardboard cutouts! They definitely make for amusement and a pleasant distraction!

I was surprised by how comfortable the actual photography part felt. Guidance from Rosie and Claire about outfits was helpful and good to get fresh eyes on my choices and inspired combinations I’d not thought of before. I didn’t feel like a plonker at all in the photos, Rosie is great at getting you to relax, laugh and forget about any nerves. It’s fine to feel a bit silly shouting into a megaphone or shouting ‘yay!’ to celebrate - because when you see the results you realise that you didn’t look silly at all and actually with these reaction shots you should ‘go big or go home’!

It was a genuinely lovely, fun day, with plenty of cups of tea and a table laden with yummy treats to pick from throughout the day while changing into outfits, replenishing lipstick and selecting shots. I am well used to working with imagery and tweaking photos in my work on websites and my own illustration work, so it was a great experience to sit with Rosie and go through the shots from the day, whittling them down and down further still to get the best ones. While budget is a very important consideration for me - I simply cannot invest a lot of money in this right now (I feel it’s important to be honest about this!), as much as I want to and fully see the value - I hugely valued the opportunity to get the most out of the shoot, which meant selecting images that have practical uses in my social media and online profiles. This means that the investment that I do make will provide the most benefit - they’re not just nice photos of me, they will WORK for the types of posts and features where I need imagery.

If you get the opportunity to invest in photography I would always say DO IT! I hope to invest in a whole lot more. Get photography that works for you and it will be worth it ten times over. Can’t wait to see the finished results from my shoot! Thank you Rosie!

Behind the scenes of my photoshoot